Thursday, 9 March 2017

Video clips

Now that I'm back at home with a good internet connections here are a few unedited video clips I took with my phone..quality not great but gives a different view of things of a few sights we saw in SL.

Jazz Festival at Galle Face Hotel

The view at Heritance Kandalama, Dambulla

The view from our balcony at 98 Acres Resort, Ella showing Ella Gap, Little Adam's Peak and Ella Rock.

Wildlife at Uda Walawe National Park..brilliant to be so close to the elephants

The Elephant Transit Home (orphanage) - feeding time

When it pours.. from our chalet at Cinnamon Wild, Yala

..and the wet and wild beach at Cinnamon Wild, Yala

Time for some R&R, sun and sea at Imagine Villa near Mirissa

Domi was very disappointed with the size of D's here are a couple of pictures that another one of his clients took of "our leopard" that we saw in a tree in Yala National Park.

Home safe

Arrived home Weds 8th March

Why does it seem further coming back than it does going?  Our journey home took about 24 hours but seemed longer but we arrived home safe ... very tired.

Our driver arrived ahead of schedule to collect us from Imagine Villa and so after a final lunch by the crashing waves we paid the bill, said our good-byes and thank yous and headed towards Colombo.  The hotel owner was delighted to give us a leaving gift of.. a branded mug..just what I need to add to my already overpacked bags.  I'm afraid it didn't make it onto the plane...hoping the cleaners at the airport liked it enough to give it a home.

After all the over crowded, potholed, winding roads that cover most of Sri Lanka it seemed very strange to be driven onto an almost empty two lane expressway.  After an hour or so I was a bit concerned that our taxi driver might fall asleep at the wheel as it was a monotonous drive and he did look a bit jaded.  I therefore tried to keep him alert by chatting about the Sol road system, areas of interest, his work and anything that came to mind...  I was pleased when he asked if he could stop for a cup of tea - I thought some caffeine might help with his concentration.  Rather embarrassingly we had to ask for some money from him to be able to use the washrooms as we only had a 5000rps note.  After about 2 hours the motorway came to an abrupt end - if you miss the slip road you'd get a shock as the road just stops high up on a bridge (big drop down).  Apparently it will eventually link to the only other expressways (Colombo - Kandy and Colombo airport ringroad).  Interestingly, the southern expressway seems to be conveniently placed to link the president's house in the south with the capital Colombo.  Wonder why it was built on that route?

Anyway, back on the more usual overcrowded roads to play dodgems with the tuk tuks, street dogs, motor bikes and push bikes..and people (lots of everything) for the final part of the journey and arrived in one piece at the busy airport.

Bags are scanned at various points - the first scanner seemed to object to my suitcase because of aerosols in my washbag..I was asked to open it but I was obviously taking too long to do that as they then changed their mind and waved me through.  I must remember to wear a non-wired bra next time I travel by air as I seem to set off all the body scanners and have to get frisked each time.

Because of the work they are doing to improve the airport at Colombo we had to check in 5 hours early.  Emirates check in chap very moody and as I am "only a blue member of the Emirates skyward club" he was not at all interested in giving us an upgrade..I decided to give up on that challenge - just hope the flights are on time and we get a seat.

After making our way through emmigration and more security checks we found some rather uncomfortable seats near the duty free area to sit and wait..and wait..and wait..  To pass the time away a little retail therapy resulted in some gifts to take home (lots of tea ...and a t-shirt for Charlie).

Flight left Colombo on time but was a few minutes late getting to Dubai.  Dubai airport is massive and usually you have to get a connecting flight from the opposite end from where you land.  This usually involves lots of walking, escalators, lifts and a tube-like train.  The trains must have been out of action as instead of us making our own way to our connecting flight's departure gate we were chaperoned by Emirates staff through various security checks and at least two long bus rides.  As this involved waiting for groups of confused and tired people to be rounded up from time to time I could see that we were going to be late for our connecting flight.  Emirates obviously knew this and held the flight until all passengers were on..what they didn't tell us was that not all the bags made it.

So at Birmingham, we waited for the bags..and waited..and waited..we got hopeful when mine arrived on the carousel..and waited..and waited.. as the baggage area emptied of people we realised that D's bag was not going to appear.  Joining the queue to lodge our "property irregularity report" we realised we'd got off quite lightly only losing one bag on the return trip.  Other people had missing bags on both the outward and return trip and had suffered long delays (either sitting on a plane for hours or having to stay overnight).

The logistics of getting luggage to the right destination with some many connections going to so many locations can't be easy but it looks as if the lost luggage delivery service is kept very busy.  numerous bags were left on the carousel with no-one there to collect them..apparently those were the lost bags from yesterday - the owners having gone home the previous day bagless.  To be fair to them we got a text message later to say the bag had been located and a phone call to Emirates confirmed it was on a plane from Dubai and would be delivered to us on Thursday.  Which it was.  Delivery guy explained that he was being kept very busy as the new very expensive IT system that Emirates have put in at Dubai doesn't actually work very well.

So home at last.  My bag unpacked and washing in the machine.  Quick bath and bed for a couple of hours for me.  D tried the alternative way to beat the jet lag and stayed up to go through his post and emails.  He was falling asleep by 7pm so gave in and went to bed expecting to wake far too early but we were both woken at 7am by my alarm.

So back to normal routine on Thursday.  Long day at the office for me.  D working from home and multi-tasking dealing with the tesco delivery, his washing (after his bag arrived) and cooking a very welcome spag bol for dinner.

So bags are now unpacked, clothes clean and we are back to the normal routine.  Just a few gifts to distribute when we see the family.

Now looking forward to the arrival of baby bump Mellor next month..and maybe a puppy for the summer..then where shall we go next year?  It's going to have to be very good to beat Sri Lanka.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Time to say goodbye

Tuesday 7th March

If you have read D's blog from yesterday you might think the sun has gone to his head... and he didn't publish the day's photos so I've attached them here.  Not very much to capture as quiet day by the pool just shifting position to catch the sun or shade depending on preference. Been very hot and sunny...well into the 30s with real feel near 40 due to humidity.
If you hadn't spotted it D's blogs are littered with song and band references...
Our driver is due at 2.30pm today. We have the room until 1pm so will have some lunch before leaving. Colombo airport is having some runway maintenance so check in closes earlier than usual so we will have a long wait for our flight to Dubai. Wish we had a "beam me up Scotty button".  Never mind it's been a great holiday full of new sights and sounds..brilliant experience.
The man with the cow took it into the sea for a swim this you would do..

The Penultimate Day....

The afternoon before....

We had the whole place to ourselves all morning and then....

The Belgian (the owner)  let more people in.  They then spoiled the look of the place, lounging around, drinking,  using our pool.  Not on.....

Our pink bodies were kept under the sun brolly or fully immersed in water.

Interestingly the pool water is warmer than the shower water.  Thought you might like that level of detail.

As it was Sunday I had plenty to do ...I had the Sunday Times, the Mail on Sunday and the dinner menu to read.  All v hard work and requires immense concentration.  Glad to read that Brexit is still upsetting the Lib Dems,the Labour Party and the House of Lords as well as the MEPs, Scot Nats and now the N Irish.

Good dinner last night.  I had the menu of the day again with fresh fish caught in the Indian Ocean cooked by a Sri Lankan.

Mum had an Aussie  steak!

After dinner we retired for the night and the zzzzzzzzzzzzz s kicked in.

Morning has broken,just like the first morning it was beautiful sunshine.

I sat on the balcony watching men at work whilst I had a coffee and contemplated another busy day.

As yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away but....we needed to act fast... be German like...plan to get the best sunbeds.  Who do you think you are kidding Mr H?

We were first at breakfast... oh no... a boy I think his name was Sue, was there before us.  The pressure mounted for the sunbeds.

Under pressure or what....

Relax...don't do it... we were fine everyone else was still in bed.  Lovely breakfast  plenty of Jam and marmalade, I think this was a Sri Lankan jam company, 'Lady Marmalade'  probably the best jam maker in the world.

The clouds came over...the sun ain't gonna shine anymore... every way the wind blows and they went.  Here comes the sun.

Sunbed time...  mix of sun, shade, pool, sleep, walk, read newspaper, read book.

Good book about 2nd world war, good god it's is a good book.

In my moments of reflective wisdom I thought to myself I would like to teach the world to sing.  Daft really and then we ordered 2 cokes.

Animals wise we have only seen the hotel dogs,who let them out? The man walking his cow and a few birds.  A few I think it was actually 3 Little Birds.  An Albatross?

Meant to mention we went turtle hunting yesterday.  It is actually illegal here and we were nearly arrested but I shot the sherrif
,only joking!  No turtles

I think I once saw a Dodo or was it a leopard?

Another couple of people arrived today. Not very communicative.  They had travelled from Misery.

As if we hadn't done enough today and exhaustion was setting in mum thought it would be a Happy Birthday if I opened a few cards.  So I did!  I have heard it on the grapevine I am going to be 58.

So dinner time arrived.

Starter some veggie aubergine and feta cheese thing.  How did I vote Brexit if I eat this sort of stuff.  We both had Aussie steaks.   For pudding I had pineapple ravioli.   Yes I know what you are thinking.... it was full of sweet for my sweet and sugar for my honey type pudding.

Mum had a tin of fruit salad and carnation milk.

I was volunteered to write today's blog. I was in the navy I know about volunteering.

Mum didn't think we had done much.  I beg to differ and reminded her that I alone had walked the dogs, swam a few lengths of the Olympic size pool, went sand surfing, fought against the waves of the Indian Ocean, walked the grounds and had completed multiple furniture moves.

So half a day of more vigorous exercise tomorrow morning and then travel home by taxi, I hope we don't need to stop at the car wash,  followed by a long period at the airport, I can hear your mum already saying I'm still waiting, then 2 planes so look above and you will see Jet planes
flying high above you.

See you soon.

Love from Serendip/Ceylon/Sr Lanka a beautiful place to holiday.  Well done H.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Lazy doing nothing

Sunday 5th March

It seems to be very tiring doing nothing... Yesterday afternoon was a lazy time. Needed to give our over pink skin a break from the sun so alternated between relaxing on the balcony watching the crashing waves and snoozing on the bed in the cool aircon room.

I did find the energy to paddle in the sea and have a quick dip in the pool. My timing was off as in the evening Marnix, the hotel owner showed us a video clip on his mobile of baby turtles scurrying down the sand to the sea. They'd  hatched during the afternoon right on our beach. He also showed us an older clip of a turtle laying its eggs. Also sad photos of a blue whale that had died after being wounded probably by a boat. He said it aborted its baby and took 2 days to die. The locals buried it on the beach outside a house Marnix was renting during the time the hotel was being built. The smell and the flies were a problem for 2 weeks...

Lovely meal again last night. Feta & date pastry then swordfish with delicious vegetables..and choc fondant. Yum.

More wildlife this morning. A man walking his cow up and down the you do. Hotel dogs gave it a good woofing.

Our waiter commented on the whale watching boats on the horizon..about 10. It had been on my to do list but the sea is rough and boats small...and health and safety is not up to EU describe too many boats getting too close to the whales and a lot of sea sickness .. think I'll give it a miss.

Breakfast by the sea with a deserted beach...nice.

It's so peaceful here. A little oasis of luxury. Not the real Sri Lanka but such a perfect place to be lazy doing nothing after a busy touring schedule.

A lot of decisions to make today. Do I sit by the pool..parasol up or down...or on the balcony? And then there is the selection to make for dinner. Maybe I'll have a lie down and think about it....

We seem to have the hotel to ourselves this morning.

Matara by Tuk Tuk

Saturday 4/3/17

Woke this morning to find D sitting on the balcony watching the rain. SL is having some unseasonal weather but forecast for today is a mixture of showers and sunshine with cloudy intervals. Not too bothered as we need to give our skin time to recover from too much sun yesterday

The hotel put on a nice Sri Lankan rice and curry buffet last night in the courtyard garden lit with fairy lights. We sat with a nice british couple who we'd been chatting to earlier. They are well travelled so interesting to hear about their holiday adventures. I could see the signs of Parkinsons in the husband who was probably about 60 so I guess they are making the most of opportunities to travel while they can. Made we think of Mum...shame she wasn't able to do that.

This morning we thought we should do something even though we are getting a bit jaded and it's so relaxing here...
So we took another death defying tuk tuk ride to Matara. Busy big commercial centre 10 minutes to the east. Looked round the little Star Fort an old dutch stronghold. Ugly looking ramparts with a green moat but nice entrance with working drawbridge and liitle museum with some interesting artifacts. Then over a bridge over the river that has been rebuilt after the tsunami to the other dutch fort which just has some ramparts and a British built white clock tower. Stalls along the way seem to sell a huge number of flip flops plus the usual market quality clothing, fake watches and other very resistable wares.

Some big cricket match going on. We'd not seen girls playing until today but it seemed to be some kind of corporate event with workers from local businesses having a friendly match day.

A little island accessed by a suspension footbridge was not mentioned in our rough guide but it may have yet another temple there. If in doubt it's probably a temple..lots of them.

Very humid so found a traditional style sea front hotel going under the very common name of The Rest House...every town seems to have at least one hotel with this name. ..not homes for the elderly...and had a cold soda water while we waited for our now favourite tuk tuk to collect us..well he has got us to two destinations alive.

On our map it shows a harbour so as it was just too sweaty hot to walk there we asked him to take us there before returning to the hotel. Taking us via some strange back road route we smelt the fish stalls before we could see them. Large selection of fish...but in this heat and no refrigeration we weren't tempted to buy even if we had somewhere to cook it. The harbour was just a small collection of fishing boats at the point where the river meets the sea.

Tuk tuk driver took us back to the hotel via the back beach road..but got lost a few times before finding the right road. His three point turns and u-turns all added to the experience. It did give us a nice view of the coast and we passed Polehena beach which is supposed to be good for snorkelling...but the currents around this coast are more scary than the tuk tuks so not for me. Driver suggested he took us to Galle tomorrow. I would actually like to visit the Fort area there but an hour each way in a tuk tuk is more than my nerves can stand. We said we'd think about it...

So back to some downtime at the hotel. Sun is out but it's shaded with a little sea breeze here on the balcony. Nice cold drink and my audio book is excitement enough for this afternoon. Wonder what chef is planning for tonight...? The Belgian house rules means the menu is put up on the blackboard in the afternoon and we have to preorder by 4.30! Food has been very good so far so we don't mind conforming.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Sun, sand and sea


After such a busy (nearly) two weeks we were ready for some lazy days by the sea.  The Imagine Villa hotel is ideal for some quiet R&R. Just a few mature guests. Plenty of staff who are pleasant and helpful. Place is kept clean and tidy. Food last night was superb, eaten in the garden to the sound of the waves. No light pollution so beautiful waning crescent moon and a sky full of stars.

Breakfast feast also by the sea freshly prepared and served to the table. So nice after too many buffet restaurants.

Took our first tuk tuk into Mirissa about 10 mins away. Lovely bay with safe swimming and some small surfing waves. Typical touristy spot popular with the back packers so lined with cheap and cheerful beach cafes. But really not busy. Had a nice wander along the beach. Failed to find any worthwhile shops...don't think there are after a quick refreshment stop we headed back to the calm, clean oasis of our hotel. Tourism effect at its worse when you see locals with a chained monkey trying to get money for photo opportunity in Mirissa but I was pleased to see that nearly everyone showed their displeasure at the sorry sight.

The sea breeze makes the sun deceptive so despite the sun cream we are both looking well cooked tonight. It was lovely to take in the sun dip in the empty pool and order an iced drink from time to time.

Chef is cooking up his special rice and curry tonight....looking forward to that and finishing off my complimentary wine.

The housekeeping guys decorated our bed with anniversary message. .again a nice touch. Think we will have a nice few days here.

The picture of the fish and turtles is from the water feature in the hotel lobby.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

On to Mirissa for seaside R&R


The walk to breakfast this morning was a little disconcerting. It's lovely to be close to wildlife but when a very large troop of grey langur monkeys decide to swing on by you do need to give way. I found that most of them take little notice of us but I made the mistake of making eye contact with a female with a baby wrapped on her chest. She gave me her full bared teeth warning. I took note and moved swiftly away. David was quite reluctant to stop to pose for a photo for some reason.

The restaurant had a resident giant squirrel ..looked a bit like a mongoose. ..that was enjoying pineapple that some guests fed him...not sure that's a good idea..he had teeth!

We were asked if we'd seen the female elephant this morning that had been wandering around our group of chalets first thing. Dommi said a tusker had blocked the entrance road for 30 minutes this morning too.

On to Mirissa. Didn't look far on the map but these roads are slow so took 3.5 hours. Stopped for a comfort break near to a SL Navy memorial commerating service men who'd been killed by the Tamils. A reminder of SL's troubled recent past. Dommi says that it has all settled down now and even the north is safe to visit..but that's not what my book says..

Imagine Villa hotel is lovely and fits the description on the website and tripadvisor so far. Just 10 rooms in a modern hotel owned by a Belgian and his SL partner who is a chef. It was built on a site of a house flattened by the tsunami. Going to try the set menu which changes daily.  Inludes crab gratin, garlic soup and red mullet tonight. We are getting a comp bottle of wine too.

Room is lovely. Four poster bed. Seating area. Nice bathroom. Sunny and breezy around the pool. Nice gardens and comfy sun beds. Beach and crashing waves. If the weather is kind we won't be doing much over next few days.

Nice comfy chairs on our balcony to watch the waves and sunset..nice.

Dinner will be served by the pool..pretty lights.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Yala Safari Part 2 (c)


Helen's stay at base safari

While D was being tortured on another bone jarring jeep, I stayed at base. Thunder storm was loud and with torrential rain until mid afternoon. So no lazing by the pool. No great hardship as relaxing in the room watching the weather was entertainment enough for me today. Getting tired...

Got a bit worried as D due back at 10. Didn't arrive until 11.30...Tusker blocking the road was the excuse. After hearing all about his adventure we had lunch then while D went back to rest...and boar watch. .I walked through the grounds to the deserted beach. Lovely sand with crashing waves onto rounded rocks. Pouring with rain but even on a calm day it's not safe to swim here. A couple of the hotel dogs followed me down. Wild and wonderful despite the weather.

Back at the chalet the banging on the tin roof gave us a fright...Grey Langer monkeys messing about. Those footprints I spotted this morning were from the boar. Buffalo, crocs and birds close by on the water. I didn’t need to go anywhere to see plenty of wildlife. Looks as if those danger signs are genuine after all.

Rooftop bar gave a great view tonight of the waterhole and sea...with monkeys playing on the balcony.

Tomorrow we go to our final hotel near Mirissa. Hoping for some relaxation after our busy schedule but forecast is not great. There is still plenty to see there if sunbathing is rained off.

Yala Safari Part 2 (b)

David's blog 1/3/17

It usually starts with a kiss.  This one started by ordering our takeaway breakfast picnic.  It wasn't panic setting in but I don't like picnics.  A packed breakfast sounds slightly dubious and I was going to eat this in the park on safari surrounded by wild hungry animals.

So 4:45am and very dark....

'Woke up this morning feeling fine, got United on my mind....'  Well leopards and sloth bears.

Had a coffee, picked up my packed breakfast x 2 as mum was asleep in a safe room free from the fear of attack by marauding elephants, wilderbeast and wild boars.

Jumped on to the safari jeep.  Well crawled really.  The safari jeep can only be described as a bone breaker and I was beginning to feel jealous of mum.

Day light arrived as we queued to get in the park.

We were in a queue of dozens of safari jeeps.  You could  tell the Europeans as they were dressed for a polar expedition.  Not me and Domi we were in tshirts and looked the part.  Stupid Chinese had face masks on!

Once we got into the main park I was told we wouldn't see many animals as it had rained all night and was going to rain this morning.  Wild animals don't like rain.  Me neither.  Later that morning we were singing in the rain.

So what did we see?

First birds. ...loads and of different colours.  Can't remember their names but were the same as before plus some others.   Even the all birds look as if they could eat you.

Crocs.  A good number of them and they defo will eat you.

The bloke at the restaurant last night was trying to sell us a romantic BBQ dinner by the lake at the hotel.  The lake is full of crocs.  He must be mad trying to flog me that without a gun a rocket launcher and an army of willing volunteers to jump into a crocs mouth.  Those crocodiles rock.

Anyway elephants.   We drove to a spot where a few jeeps were parked looking at something.   It was a young 10 year old male elephant with large tusks.  They are known as tuskers to make you feel they come from a Disney film.  They are big and could kill a wee guy like me with one swoop of its trunk.

As this was only 6:30 am the young tusker was getting mightily fed up with us lot staring at him.  So what does any good tusker do.... Charge.   We were offski and bid for freedom.

Gone off elephants.   We then met a very nice elephant eating it's breakfast.  I like elephants.

Saw deer, a mongoose carrying it's baby in its mouth, crocs, lizards and other things that can kill, maim or just plain eat you.

Nearly saw 2 more leopards! I  am sure I once nearly saw a Dodo!!

Stopped off for a stop as we did yesterday and had our packed picnic breakfast.   Better than I thought and fed 3 of us. Mum had a terrible breakfast of fresh fruit yog omelette et al and free from man eating beasts.

So no sloth bears so we decided to make our way back.  At speed and the bone breaker was working.


The big tusker of YouTube fame  who is actually the leader of the Yala Elephant mafia turned up and decided to stop everyone leaving until he had eaten half of the passengers.  We legged it in reverse and took a detour.  Now detour sounds a reasonable word but does not describe the bone breaking rain ramming down experience we had.   Worse than Alton Towers.  Anyway I showed them.  Gramps had a kip for an hour.  Hard core.

Anyway got back in the rain and was soaked.

Coffee and a chat with mum was followed by lunch. Mum went for a stroll and was walking in the rain.

I went back to out luxurious safe haven only to be surrounded by man eating wild boars.  Cute pah.

Mum got back and we then heard monkeys all over our room.  I was being surrounded by man eating beasts the tusker had a contract out on me with a licence to kill.

So that was an uneventful day and looking forward to dinner and the seaside.  No doubt the sea round here is full of killer beasts as well.