Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Yala Safari Part 2 (b)

David's blog 1/3/17

It usually starts with a kiss.  This one started by ordering our takeaway breakfast picnic.  It wasn't panic setting in but I don't like picnics.  A packed breakfast sounds slightly dubious and I was going to eat this in the park on safari surrounded by wild hungry animals.

So 4:45am and very dark....

'Woke up this morning feeling fine, got United on my mind....'  Well leopards and sloth bears.

Had a coffee, picked up my packed breakfast x 2 as mum was asleep in a safe room free from the fear of attack by marauding elephants, wilderbeast and wild boars.

Jumped on to the safari jeep.  Well crawled really.  The safari jeep can only be described as a bone breaker and I was beginning to feel jealous of mum.

Day light arrived as we queued to get in the park.

We were in a queue of dozens of safari jeeps.  You could  tell the Europeans as they were dressed for a polar expedition.  Not me and Domi we were in tshirts and looked the part.  Stupid Chinese had face masks on!

Once we got into the main park I was told we wouldn't see many animals as it had rained all night and was going to rain this morning.  Wild animals don't like rain.  Me neither.  Later that morning we were singing in the rain.

So what did we see?

First birds. ...loads and of different colours.  Can't remember their names but were the same as before plus some others.   Even the all birds look as if they could eat you.

Crocs.  A good number of them and they defo will eat you.

The bloke at the restaurant last night was trying to sell us a romantic BBQ dinner by the lake at the hotel.  The lake is full of crocs.  He must be mad trying to flog me that without a gun a rocket launcher and an army of willing volunteers to jump into a crocs mouth.  Those crocodiles rock.

Anyway elephants.   We drove to a spot where a few jeeps were parked looking at something.   It was a young 10 year old male elephant with large tusks.  They are known as tuskers to make you feel they come from a Disney film.  They are big and could kill a wee guy like me with one swoop of its trunk.

As this was only 6:30 am the young tusker was getting mightily fed up with us lot staring at him.  So what does any good tusker do.... Charge.   We were offski and bid for freedom.

Gone off elephants.   We then met a very nice elephant eating it's breakfast.  I like elephants.

Saw deer, a mongoose carrying it's baby in its mouth, crocs, lizards and other things that can kill, maim or just plain eat you.

Nearly saw 2 more leopards! I  am sure I once nearly saw a Dodo!!

Stopped off for a stop as we did yesterday and had our packed picnic breakfast.   Better than I thought and fed 3 of us. Mum had a terrible breakfast of fresh fruit yog omelette et al and free from man eating beasts.

So no sloth bears so we decided to make our way back.  At speed and the bone breaker was working.


The big tusker of YouTube fame  who is actually the leader of the Yala Elephant mafia turned up and decided to stop everyone leaving until he had eaten half of the passengers.  We legged it in reverse and took a detour.  Now detour sounds a reasonable word but does not describe the bone breaking rain ramming down experience we had.   Worse than Alton Towers.  Anyway I showed them.  Gramps had a kip for an hour.  Hard core.

Anyway got back in the rain and was soaked.

Coffee and a chat with mum was followed by lunch. Mum went for a stroll and was walking in the rain.

I went back to out luxurious safe haven only to be surrounded by man eating wild boars.  Cute pah.

Mum got back and we then heard monkeys all over our room.  I was being surrounded by man eating beasts the tusker had a contract out on me with a licence to kill.

So that was an uneventful day and looking forward to dinner and the seaside.  No doubt the sea round here is full of killer beasts as well.

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