You know how you have to fill out n a questionnaire at Spas detailing medical issues, areas to focus on or avoid etc? When you have a very delicate back that's quite important. You know when the lady smiles a lot but says little there is probably quite a language barrier...and my sinhalese is non existent. So more sign language involved...fingers were crossed....
Spa was scruffy...brilliant view though until I had to have my face stuck downwards. Massage was head to toe and very thorough. I'm sure it was important to not miss out my ears and all my very wobbly bits. Then came hot stones. I'd imagined those decorative pebbles placed in strategic points to allow heat and relaxation. Instead there is frequent reheating of a pad full of small granular substance dabbed all over... first few dabs each time involved more finger crossing that it was not going to burn!
After extra massage on my back..as requested. .It was into a murky slippy bath...herbal? Was nice to soak my back but the window was wide open to let in the view..and it was cold outside! Tried to keep maximum body parts submerged..but some bits like to float.
Not the most relaxing experience but she did give a thorough massage and I was able to walk away unaided.
Had another good meal. Opted for Coconut Roti with dhal and beef curry. D had beef stew and rice..fusion? Very cold evening and the rain has persisted. Forecast not great for a few days. SL has suffered from little rain over last few months with water shortages but the tide turned in Ella.
Monday am still a bit wet but less cloud allowed a great view through Ella Gap to the plain beyond...pointing the way to Uda Walawe and Yala, our next destinations.
Thank goodness for golf buggies that help take your luggage up the slope to Dommi's vehicle. Then to the tea factory where the green tea grown on the estate that surrounded our hotel. We'd seen the tea pickers going to the terraced tea bushes this morning. Originally from India as apparently more willing to work for $5 a day to pick 20kg in 8 hrs and share accommodation with 5 other families than the SL workers...fair trade logo in the factory so a indicator of conditions for non FT places.
The factory had no fresh leaves in first thing as they don't pick on a Sunday but we were shown the machines that dry, grind and dry again. Tea was being sieved and graded and packed. Dusty environment. Has put us off tea bags as clearly the lower grade stuff is used. The mid graded tea gives a good light colour and flavour so after the tasting we did buy some to bring home.
En route to Uda Walawe we stopped to see the Ravana Falls..as Matthew says once you've seen Iguazu you don't need to see other waterfalls. To be fair Dommi gave us the story behind the name...take too long to retell but involved love story, a SL king, a princess from India, caves and murder.
Couple of hours to Uda Walawe. We weren't too sure why Dommi wanted to buy 1kg of bananas from road side stall until we got close to U W national park. An elephant by the dam is often there so although I'm sure you are not supposed to feed wild elephants we couldn't resist.
Hotel is very close to the park. Checked in to find that we'd been upgraded to the best room..grand suite..with balloons and happy anniversary message in leaves on bed. Very nice. No cake..or so we thought..after dinner drinks interpreted by presentation of cake with candles! We shared it with other guests as even two pie Gamble can't manage 4 cakes in a week.
And yes I know our anniversary was in December but this holiday was to mark that occasion as well as our birthdays!
Wasn't too sure if the safari would be any good today as I'd read that they are too popular with too many jeeps chasing too few animals. Dommi chose to come with us and as he's been driving tourists like us for over 12 years I hoped that meant we might be in for a decent experience. Local jeep driver seemed to know the ropes. With him and Dommi knowing the area we had a great 3.5 hours. Off road jeeps on heavily rutted tracks is not what my chiropractor would recommend for my back but English medicine may see me through. Well worth the painful times.
Weather in U W is hot and sunny. The flat land are real contrast to the mountains in the background. Bright sun here but the hill country has interesting cloud formations..still raining there. Park vegetation is a mixture of grass, shrubs/bushes, small trees and some small areas of woodland with a large reservoir (called tanks) and smaller water holes. Ideal habitat for a variety of wildlife.
Distant glimpses of elephants and buffalo turned into close up and personal experiences. Lots of elephants...solo males, small groups of females with adolescents, one group with an adorable baby about 2 months old, a few young males, a single teenage tusker who was so close to us until an approaching jeep came up to fast and he gave them a mini charge and a filthy look...
Most of the buffalo are domestic. ..put into the park illegally by locals and taken home at night. A few wild ones. Large group of Crocodiles. Spotted deer. Troop of Macaque monkeys including some tiny babies. A turtle. A land monitor. Lots of bird life including eagles, kites, painted stork, bee eaters, pea fowl, herons, Woolly necked adjutant, egrets, black headed ibis...and lots of others that I either don't know or have forgotten.
As the sun began to set we headed back. Beautiful colours on the hills again gave us scenes to wonder at.
We knew hotel buffet wouldn't be up to standard but attempts to persuade the staff to allow us to pay to go al la carte was just too difficult. .. I stuck to the cold options as hot =lukewarm despite us going in early. Cake was a nice touch and our fellow guests enjoyed it too.
Tomorrow the elephant transit home then Yala national park.
Photos now attached.