Thursday, 23 February 2017

A happy birthday in Sri Lanka

Blog 4 23/2/17

Happy birthday to me🎶

Enjoyed a good meal in the nice quiet a la carte restaurant last night. Much better than the busy touristy offering in main restaurant. David had prawns followed rice and curry which had a large number of tasty mini dishes with rice and various curried dishes and accompaniments. I opted for a more international choice of salmon followed by Aussie beef. All very nice.

This morning. .did I mention it's my birthday? ...checked out, moving on to next destination, Kandy.

First though we had another steps challenge. Temples tend to be built in high places for defense and to show respect but in high humidity and heat...phew! The Cave temples were worth the effort and easier than yesterday's outing. A series of 5 temples built out of caves with large numbers of Buddha statues and celing paintings. Our driver is a Buddhist so he gives a good commentary.

Then a visit to the large wholesale fruit and veg market. Vast array of exotic produce. Busy with farmers, traders and buyers. Veg I've never seen or eaten before. Really interesting.

Quick stop at the Golden Temple built about 10 years ago by the Chinese. Scores of school children visiting here as they have been at all the sites we've been to over last couple of days. Shy smiles, a wave and " are you?" is common as they pass by.

Then on towards Kandy. Mixed reviews from us on the spice gardens. Free to get in means that after an interesting talk and demo of all the ingredients used for cooking and herbal products we got the hard sell in the shop. Our tip to the manager is that if we are left alone to browse and select we may buy ..but if you push us we say No thanks! We had a good free neck back and arm massage which we did appreciate and were happy to tip the students doing it.

Slow bumpy roads to Kandy but arrived safely at the small boutique style Elephant Stables hotel...A converted home of an ex presidents wife. Looks as if about 3 couples staying tonight.

Lovely room with yet another great view..bit warm as air con not v effective but hopefully it will cool down this evening.

Lovely relaxing hour by the pool. Dinner will be al fresco. Hot evening but less humid here as at about 500m looking down on the ex capital Kandy.

Have opened my cards and other birthday messages. Thanks everyone. Not been offered any cake yet but the night is but young..unlike me! Dommi guessed my age at 54 ...but maybe he's hoping for a bigger tip!


  1. Loving the blog. Hope you're having fun! And happy birthday! Ellie

    1. Thanks Ellie. Yes having great holiday but Elephant Stables ignored my birthday. cake! Our cake per hotel record ruined.
